About the Exercise

The four-year (April 2019-March 2023) EU Intra-ACP GCCA’s programme “Enhancing Climate Resilience in the CARIFORUM countries” aims to support climate compatible development of all 16 CARIFORUM countries, namely: Antigua & Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts & Nevis, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad & Tobago, to address the negative impacts of climate change and disasters while simultaneously exploring opportunities for local developments.

The programme is composed of the following four components:

  • COMPONENT 1 relates to early warning systems for improved sectoral and development planning enhancement.
  • COMPONENT 2 provides for the implementation of water sector climate actions to improve water security in the Caribbean.
  • COMPONENT 3 focuses on capacity building and implementing an education programme.
  • COMPONENT 4 promotes a risk management ethos for de-risking the CARIFORUM Member States to Climate Change.

The Exercise falls within Component 2 of the programme.

The main objectives of this assignment is to enhance the water sector’s climate resiliency through the “Development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Climate Resilient Water Infrastructure” in the Caribbean Region. It will also help facilitate and document a joint review and learning process on provisions for climate resilient water infrastructure and related operation and maintenance arrangements and provide related training.

More specifically, the Exercise aims to:

  • Assess the impact of climate change on the water utilities in these countries;
  • Develop procedures to promote climate change adaptation in the water utilities and integrated water resources management (IWRM) in these countries;
  • Establish and operationalize mechanisms for:
    • Identification of best practices and improving same into management and operations for improved resilience.
    • Knowledge sharing on climate vulnerability management between utilities, including a benchmarking of good practices in climate vulnerability management.
    • Strengthening regional cooperation between national water utilities to share resources and expertise for rapid recovery following climate hazards.
    • A series of resources developed for local communities.
  • Offer training on climate resilience of water infrastructure in the Caribbean and IWRM.

Exercise Timeline

SOPs Validation Workshop

May 12th, 2021

First Level Training

 Developing SOPs for Climate Resilient Water Infrastructure in the CARIFORUM Countries

June 7-11 & June 14-18, 2021

Second Level Training:

Beyond the Exercise’s completion. Dates to be determined.