Day 2: Standard Operating Procedures

On Day 2, we will be interacting in our first virtual session on Zoom. We encourage you to complete the following readings and activities, and come to the virtual session with your reflections on Standard Operating Procedures.

This session will be facilitated in English with simultaneous Spanish translation. Participants can interact in the language of their choice (English or Spanish).

June 8 or 15 from 8:30AM to 11:30AM (AST)


Maurice Tobon has thirty years of experience in the water and wastewater engineering profession. He has extensive knowledge of water and wastewater utility systems and operations. He also provides leadership, mentoring and advice to staff and senior officials.

Dr Julie Ladel is a recognised Integrated Water Resources Management specialist. An astute interlocutor for high-level stakeholders, the participation of women at all level of local, national and regional development.

Session’s Agenda

ProgrammeJune 8th or 15th, 2021
8:30-8:35Welcoming remarks and rules of engagement
8:35-8:405-Day Programme at a Glance
8:40-8:45Overview of 5-Day Training Programme
8:45-9:00What are the SOPs, benefits and implementation
9:00-9:45Review of the SOPs 1-3 and facilitated discussion
9:45-10:00Coffee break
10:00-10:20Review of the SOP 4 and facilitated discussion
10:20-10:40Review of the SOP 5 and facilitated discussion
10:40-11:25Review of the Climate Events Checklist, EPA website, facilitated discussion
11:25-11:30Closing Remarks
Agenda of June 8 & June 15, 2021


This module presents SOPs to make water and sanitation systems more climate resilient. Since the implementation of SOPs are specific to each utility, these SOPs should serve as a high level framework that can be further developed based on the operations, climate stressors and unique challenges faced by each utility. One of the teaching methodologies for this training is based on peer-to-peer exchange of experience and best practices.


Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand and implement SOPs;
  • Share best practices between regional utilities and other participants for climate resiliency;
  • Strengthen regional cooperation between water utilities;
  • Introduce nature-based solutions.

To-Do in this Module

SOP 1-3 30 min
SOP 4 (activity: choose between SOP 4 or 5)15 min
SOP 5 (activity: choose between SOP 4 or 5)15 min
Climate Events Checklist5 min

Key concepts: climate impacts to utilities, peer to peer learning, preparing for climate events, nature based solutions.

What are Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)?

A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a guide to enhance the water sector’s climate resiliency through the expansion, renovation, retrofitting, and management of infrastructure. The SOPs are high level but are designed to be cascaded down to each particular water utility based on their needs and ability.  

What are the benefits of implementing SOPs ?

  • Investments in resiliency return many time, a big pay off in savings on relief, recovery and reconstruction when disaster strikes.
  • Reduced incidence of water interruptions and disruptions associated with climate stressors;
  • Increased coverage of reliable supply to remote and vulnerable communities;
  • Water quality improvements.

How are SOPs developed ?

  • Step 1. Identify system components, i.e., source, treatment, tanks, etc.
  • Step 2. What happens if the component fails ? How will it fail, i.e., flooding, high winds ? At what level of climate stressor will it fail ?  
  • Step 3. What can be done to prevent failure of component from failure ? i.e., elevate structure, relocate, redundant systems
  • Step 4. Evaluate options thru multi-criteria decision i.e., what are the consequences of failure, cost, ability to recover, implementation.

SOP 1: Drinking Water Supply

Climate change is likely to increase water demand while shrinking water supplies. Both surface and groundwater will experience changes in water quality and quantity cause by increase extreme rainfall events, droughts, and tropical cyclones.

Raw water supply 

Diversification of raw water supply is the most robust adaption to climate change that can be implemented by a water utility due to its ability to utilize sources that may only be minimally impacted by climate stressors. The diversification of water supply generally falls into two types of sources, wells and surface water which nevertheless need to be protected and adapted to climate impacts.    

Wells can be exposed to flooding which can be protected by proper sealing of casing, and electrical conduits. Wellhead and equipment could need to be elevated or relocated to protect from floodwaters. Electrical panels should have provisions for backup power from emergency generators and if possible, a secondary electrical feed should be installed.

Over pumping of wells and decreased aquifer recharge as the result of climate change can decrease the capacity of wells. Should this occur chemicals can be used to restore capacity along with brushing or physical cleaning of the casing. Well deepening or re-drilling may also be used to re-establish well capacity. In coastal areas or for wells located in partially saline aquifers that are being affected by sea-level rise and or storm surge wells need to be located inland.

Surface water supply is very common in the Caribbean region and is almost one of the most impacted by climate stressors. High turbidity and water quality impacts will need to be addressed and mitigated in order to ensure a reliable supply. Watershedprotectionneeds to be implemented in order tocontrol turbidity into surface water. Watershed water quality can be improved by conservation easements, public education, ecosystem restoration, erosion and sediment control, land use planning and regulations. In conjunction with watershed control measures monitoring of water supply quality in particular turbidity is essential in order to react to rapid changes in turbidity that are caused by rain events.

Water treatment systems

Water treatment systems have to be designed based on anticipated not just historical water quality. A comprehensive assessment of the climate influences on the water treatment system can be made with the CCORAL Tool. Some of the greatest impacts will be to the clarification, filtration and disinfection systems which will be as a result of water quality changes. Therefore, these systems should be designed with the ability to adapt to a wide range of water quality parameters. Protecting the physical assets of the treatment system will be important as exposure to hurricanes and floods increases, therefore storm hardening, elevating equipment and having redundant process will increase the water utility’s ability to respond to the climate stressors.

Water distribution

Climate change is likely to lead to an increasing risk of service disruptions of the water distribution infrastructure.  Not only will hurricanes and extreme rain events cause physical damage to pipelines, but droughts can lead to issues with water quality when due the lack of water, pipelines and tanks are depressurized which could allow groundwater to infiltrate into the pipeline causing water quality impacts. Therefore, both physical protection and water quality monitoring of the distribution system are important aspect of dealing with future climate stressors.

Efficiency and alternative energy

A significant amount of energy use occurs at water and wastewater treatment and distribution facilities. Water utilities can also reduce energy use at water and wastewater facilities through measures such as water conservation, water loss prevention, and sewer system repairs to prevent groundwater infiltration. Measures to reduce water consumption, water loss, and wastewater lead to reductions in energy use, and result in savings associated with recovering and treating lower quantities of wastewater and treating and delivering lower quantities of water. Saving energy through energy efficiency improvements can cost less than generating, transmitting, and distributing energy from power plants, and provides multiple economic and environmental benefits. Alternative energy such as solar can be a partial response to dealing with future climatic issues but due to the cost and issues relating to energy storage this alternative requires analysis.

SOP 2: Desalination

Desalination treatment plants due to their location along or near the coast are vulnerable to climate stressors such as sea-level rise, tropical cyclones and storm surges. The increase in these impacts could require that all part of the water treatment system such as the intake, pump station, treatment building and all other critical facilities be hardened, relocated or redesigned in order to accommodate the climate impacts.

Water Intake and pumping

As the result of climate change, tropical cyclones may increase in frequency and intensity which may require the need to upgrade, harden or relocate water intake facilities. Redesign of intake structures could be required to protect from debris and shifting beach erosion patterns.

Desalination treatment systems

The first step in determining the impacts of climate change on an existing desalination treatment facility is to conduct a vulnerability analysis.  As part of the process historical records should be reviewed to understand the past frequency and intensity of different natural disasters and how the utility was and could continue to be impacted. Assessments can be conducting using CCORAL Tool to understand climate influences on the water utility treatment systems.

Buildings and equipment

Desalination facilities are usually housed in a steel panel or concrete block building, nevertheless the building envelope, exposed treatment systems, and non-structural building systems are usually the systems that fail due to extreme winds which can cause the entire desalination facility to halt operations. The repercussions related to interrupted production of water from the desalination facility can include impacts to medical facilities, schools, public safety and health.

Failure of doors and windows can allow the penetrating of wind driven rain which can damage components of the desalination building and equipment which can lead to the inability to produce potable water. The securing of equipment (tanks, piping, treatment systems, vents, air conditioners, etc.) located at the outside of the desalination main building is an important aspect of minimizing impacts to water production. The outside equipment should be protected from damaging wind forces and impact from wind borne object.

SOP 3: Wastewater

Climate models show that across the Caribbean precipitation will increasingly occur in more concentrated extreme events. These intense precipitation events may challenge current infrastructure, wastewater infrastructure is particularly at risk to flooding when these extreme events occur due to the typically low elevation of facilities especially along the coast.

Treatment system

The wastewater treatment system plays a crucial role in protecting public health and the environment. Projected changes in climate and hydrologic conditions have the potential to impact the wastewater treatment infrastructure and operations. Some of the most impacted treatment systems include aeration basins, clarifiers, pumping and power. Wastewater treatment systems are sensitive to flow rates and biological loads, therefore substantial improvement to existing treatment processes capacity may be needed to account for increased wastewater flow from flooding or increased rainfall. The use of an influent equalization basin is a relatively easy and inexpensive way to balance the flow and biological load of wastewater during high rainfall events.

Collection System Piping

Materials and methods used in the construction of wastewater forcemain systems are affected by climate impacts. Understanding how different materials withstand the stresses of wind, storm and landslide damage from extreme climate change-related events can be helpful in designing new climate-resilient systems. Climate related damages to pipelines include; corrosion, physical damage to pipes from flooding, storm surge and landslides.   

Sea level rise, higher groundwater levels, more intense rain events and increased flooding will introduce extraneous water into gravity wastewater collection systems. The additional water flowing into the collection system will reduce the capacity of the piping and pumping system and may result in widespread spillage of raw sewage into the environment and contaminate drinking water supplies. Resiliency options to reduce extraneous water include; gravity sewer pipe lining, manhole coating, manhole inflow protectors and replacement of sewer lateral.

Pumping stations

Appropriate selection of construction materials is vital for climate-resilient water pump stations. Building materials differ in sensitivity to climate change impacts from increase saltwater exposure, excessive rainfall, wind, and flooding. Pumping facilities need to be hardened, relocated, or rebuilt with better construction materials or expanded in order to achieve an acceptable level resiliency. Other resiliency options include constructing of walls around pump stations to prevent ingress of flood waters, retrofit structures to be able to withstand stronger more frequents storm, elevate critical equipment and/or structures above flood level, install water-tight doors or temporary flood barriers and have provisions for temporary or permanent emergency power.



Prior to the virtual session on Day 2, read the description of each SOP 1: Drinking Water, SOP 2: Desalination and SOP 3: Wastewater.

  • Fill out the following Padlet, and answer any of the four questions;
    • 1. What parts of your utility’s infrastructure is most affected by climate change (i.e. supply, treatment, distribution, pumping, storage, collection, etc.)?
    • 2. What steps, processes or procedures would you need to implement to the SOPs? From assessment to implementation.
    • 3. What governance (policies, regulations, strategies, etc.) actions can be formulated by policy makers to support utilities in the implementation of SOPs?
    • 4. How the development of an SOP can support climate resiliency for CARIFORUM countries?
  • We will have a facilitated discussion of your responses in our first virtual session.

  • 1. What parts of your utility’s infrastructure is most affected by climate change (i.e. supply, treatment, distribution, pumping, storage, collection, etc.)?
    • 2. What steps, processes or procedures would you need to implement to the SOPs? From assessment to implementation.3. What governance (policies, regulations, strategies, etc.) actions can be formulated by policy makers to support utilities in the implementation of SOPs?4. How the development of an SOP can support climate resiliency for CARIFORUM countries?